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Deep Peace and Support...

E, Scotland

20 Mar 2023

I found Nitya’s healing session extremely powerful. I had been going through a period of low energy and self-doubt and the session had a subtle but profound effect on my state of mind and my physical wellbeing. During the session I experienced a feeling of deep peace and support, like being wrapped in a warm blanket of love and acceptance. The Lemurian light felt nurturing and protective.

During the week following the session I went into a bit of a healing crisis experiencing fluey symptoms, but when these subsided, I experienced popping through a bubble of delusion of my own making which had been holding me back from progressing with personal projects and out into the clear light of what I am capable of. I now feel energized and positive and I am “back in the flow”!

Nitya is a warm, compassionate and skilled healer and I would recommend her sessions to anyone who feels stuck in any life situation.

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